Building Leadership in Your Daughter At Home
Connecting with your daughter in a meaningful way is something we all have more time for these days.
But while we are home together, spending so much time with our daughters, let’s be strategic, and do our best to actually make the time matter – to make an impact they will grow from,
Let’s commit to not only enjoy being at home with our families over the coming weeks but to foster our daughter’s inner strength and cultivate a spirit of leadership so she can start to really shine.
Remember, our kids will look to us as examples of how to react in times like this.
So, here are a few ways you can help your daughter step into the role of a world-changer, even if she can’t leave the house.
Explain the current situation to your daughter in a way that is age-appropriate. Be honest, but avoid provoking fear.
Then as your daughter who she thinks might be struggling because of this health crisis.
- She may think about kids without food or friends who don’t have books to read.
- She may worry about the elderly people in your neighborhood or the homeless population that doesn’t have a home to stay in during this season.
- She may be concerned about the animals who have no forever family.
From there, ask her how she might be able to HELP, from home.
Encourage your daughter to think BIG.
Have her write down her ideas and then talk about each one, helping her think through how to really make it happen.
Nothing fuels leadership like giving your daughter a problem to solve and the freedom to come up with a solution, with no fear of getting it wrong or making a mistake.
Your daughter’s quest for leading others will start to grow when she realizes she can make a difference in her own neighborhood, school, community or church.
Seeing is believing and there are so many things that can be done from right where she is! Give her an opportunity to think critically through a real world problem and push her to imagine how SHE might be a difference maker.
Then, get to work. Help your daughter bring her ideas to life and serve the community while instilling leadership and confidence in the next generation.