Building Confidence For an Uncertain Back to School Season

We know that as you are waiting to see what school is going to look like this Fall, it could be a time filled with uncertainty, fear, and confusion. But we are bold enough to believe that you can be a courageous mom in this season and build confidence in your girl.
Recently in our Facebook group, MacKenzie shared a few points that truly communicate the heart and soul of the Courageous Brand! We want to be proactive, not reactive. Our mission is to help you and your girl be resilient and ready for whatever challenges you may face in the future.
Here are 5 mindsets you can adopt and share with your daughter while moving forward whether you have a solid plan for the school year or not:
- See this as an opportunity for growth: This is a game changer! There have been many disappointments with activities, school sports, and gatherings during this pandemic, but we can have a positive mindset when we see it as an opportunity for growth. Truthful, we know that growth happens when we are challenged. Let’s remember this and cast this vision for our girls as we move into the fall and school starting.
- Recognize skills that you are gaining now that will benefit you in the future: Have you or your daughter learned new skills while quarantining at home? Take 5 minutes to brainstorm a list of new skills that you have acquired and how that will positively impact your future. Future employers love to hear how you made the best out of tough situation and actually improved yourself in the process!
- Focus on the joy: Having a positive mindset will make all the difference. If you can focus on even one reason to be thankful your joy will increase! Complaining and negativity makes you feel ten times worse and everyone around you will be brought down as well! So practice looking for the good even in uncertain times.
- Take advantage of a fresh start: It may not be January 1st, but a new school year is a FRESH Start filled with new possibilities, learning, and friendships. Grab a new calendar, decorate it with all your favorite stickers and pictures and see this school year as a brand new start!
- Make sure as moms you stay courageous yourselves: As moms, it is easy to feel the heavy burdens all around us. Our girls are looking at us (whether we realize it or not) and are making decisions about how they are going to respond to the world around them. Try to take 5 minutes every day (at least) to focus on growth, new skills learned, joy, and making a fresh start so that you can be the inspiration for your daughter we know you want to be.
Speaking of our Facebook Group we have thousands of moms just like you who are doing their best to live courageously and raise confident daughters! If you haven’t joined our group yet you can take care of that by going here. Or, find us on Instagram!