A Quick Guide to Summer Leadership Opportunities for your Girl
Schools out for summer and everybody is super excited—until they are super bored and have no idea what to do with all their free time. This summer may be especially hard because many day camps and activities have been cancelled due to health concerns. Maybe you are also trying to find ways to help your daughter continue to learn and grow in her leadership skills. Never fear, Give Her Courage has you covered with this quick guide to creating your own leadership opportunities for your girl and her friends!
Host a summer book club: The “summer slide” is real. Girls who read while school is on break can not only improve their language skills but also make transitioning back to classes in the Fall easier. One way to help your daughter love to read is to let her pick what she wants to read during the summer. Most teachers agree summer is a time to focus on building a love of learning and letting her choose from a parent approved list will give her the freedom to explore her passion. Adding a social element to the activity might just be what takes it over the top. Have her pick 3 books, send the list to her friends and let them VOTE on what to read together. Your daughter’s summer book club can meet together online weekly at a set time to discuss the book. Many authors have websites that include discussion questions based on their books. To make it even more fun, have t-shirts made for the book club and the girls can wear their shirts to the club meetings!
Start a small business: Entrepreneurs are getting younger and younger. We believe it is never too early to start a small business! Your daughter probably could come up with a few ideas to start one of her own. Does she have a hobby? Does she see a need or gap in an industry that appeals to her? Are her friends asking questions she thinks she can solve? Challenge her to come up with 2-3 ideas and give her best pitch to you. Together pick the best idea and begin to build a basic business model. Have her identify her customers, develop her product or service, and figure out how to connect them. While you are at it, grab some inspiration from our Give Her Courage: Courageous Conversations Podcast hosted by Kelly and Amy! Among other things, we interview young entrepreneurs who have started small businesses that are now thriving! Find us here.
Organize an online fundraiser: While it is true that girls often have big hearts, they often feel helpless to make a difference. Take some time at the beginning of the summer to have a heart-to-heart connecting conversation with your daughter. Ask her what she cares about. Is there a cause she wants to support? Does she see a problem that needs solving? This is a good time to teach your daughter we can’t do everything, but we can do something. Invite her to organize an online fundraiser to support a local or global cause that is near and dear to her heart. Ask her how she could involve her friends as well. In the end, she will realize that growing a heart of kindness and compassion is equally as important as growing as a leader.
We want to know how your daughter grows as a leader this summer! Take a picture and tag us on Instagram @giverhercourage! Or share it in our private Facebook Group where we are all doing our best to raise our girls with courage and confidence. Find out more here!